Monday, November 2, 2009


Goodness it has been a looooong time since I updated my little blog!

Halloween was a blast this year!! They boys had a wonderful time and made out with a BUNCH of candy..too much actually! My sister came over to visit today and I made her take a bunch of candy home with her she was ok with that, Dylan was so freaking cute he wanted to walk up to every single house, he got mad when Mark would pick him up to carry him to the next house. The boys were getting a little frustrated because Dylan was slowing them down, so I bribed Dylan into the stroller with a worked and he was content sitting in the stroller eating his sucker.

I can't believe that Nicholas is 6 and Chris is 4 this Can someone tell me where time goes so I can go and get it back? Seeing Dylan totting around made me think back on Nicks first Halloween, well his first Halloween he was only 3 months old so I mean his second Halloween. Nick walked three streets to every single house and he would try and go in the peoples houses instead of knocking...oh man it was the cutest thing ever. I can't believe that he is now six years old and a big boy :(. He wore his first scary costume this year and tried scaring all the big kids, it was so funny.

Now on to some pictures from the big night! Enjoy!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Nicks appointment today

Nicholas had his appointment today with the behavioral specialist at Childrens Hospital. He went pretty well....she told me that Nicholas has a very, very mild form of Autism on the Autism spectrum. She also said that Nicholas has a mild form of ADHD. I suspected she was going to say these things so it wasn't no big surprise to me. Nicholas speech is what is really interfering with his social skills....other people can't understand Nick sometimes and it is really hard on him. She wants Nick to receive speech class at least 3 times a week. I am really excited about this because Nick was only receiving speech once a week. She had so many wonderful things to say about Nick...he was funny, very articulate, smart, great imagination, kind, sweet, cute...that made me feel very proud of my big guy! I feel relieved after this appointment that the doctor didn't try and shove medicine down Nicks throat. She asked me if I wanted to put Nick on medicine now and see if it helps him or if I want to wait until he is back in school and see how he does. I declined to put him on any medicine right now. I am not comfortable with it at all!! So for right now I am going to read up on all the info she gave me about the medicine and do a lot of research and watch Nick in school to see how is doing. He goes back in 6 months to see if the speech is helping him and to just check up on him. I am so blessed to have Nick and no matter what little problems he might have he is the most sweetest kid in the world..I am proud to be his mom!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Dylan loves his cousin!

He can be so sweet and loving to his little cousin Jackson but then you turn around for one second and he is trying to put him into a head lock! In his defense I think he thinks Jackson is just a really big toy! HA!

It's been awhile

His favorite gift! Nintendo DS!!

It has been a few weeks since I blogged....I guess I haven't had anything to really talk about! My baby boy turned 6 July 14th :(. That is so weird to say! I can't believe how fast these years have flown by. I can't believe Nick is 6 and going into 1st grade! I am trying to get myself to believe this but nope it is not! He starts school August 18th and we both can't wait. He is getting so bored being at home. He misses his friends.....I can't wait to have peace and quiet and no I NEVER thought I would say that "I could not wait for my child to start school" but here I am saying it....I will miss him like crazy but like I said no fighting is nice! HA! Christopher wont be going to pre school this year. I have decided to keep him home with me. We will be doing a lot of work to get him ready for Kindergarten! I am not concerned about Christopher not going to pre school to learn but more so social reasons. I worry that I am just going to throw him into Kindergarten and he is going to be like WOAH mom what is this all about?! You want me to sit here all day and not get up and know things like that is what I worry about. I think he will just fine though. I am excited to have my baby home with me for one more year.

Dylan is doing wonderful! He has 8 teeth now, he weighs 26lbs and is 31.5in long! He is a big boy! He is turning one at the end of the month...can you believe that a whole year has gone by so quickly! He is into every thing and driving his brothers crazy!

Nick has an evaluation Friday and I am really nervous about it.....he is being tested for ADD and ADHD. I do not like the idea of Nick being on medicine and I am not comfortable putting him on it! Yes Nick has a ton of energy but really what kid doesn't??? I will be talking to the doctors about what other routes we can go besides medicine....I have also been doing A LOT of research. Nick is going to sign up for football Tuesday and I think this will help him out also for social reasons and it will keep him busy. This kid has got to be doing something 24/7. If they do "diagnose" Nick with having ADD or ADHD I don't think it is affecting his schooling so that is really all that matters. Yes he drives me crazy at home but hey isn't that what kids are supposed to do! I will find more activities and sports to keep him busy. Wish me luck on Friday and lets hope I don't get into a big argument with one of the doctors! HA!!

Here are a few pictures from Nicks birthday party :)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

HELP...going crazy!!

I am about two seconds from going completely nuts and being admitted to the crazy ward! This is just going to be a bunch of rambling but I have to get it out!! First off Nick and Chris are driving me crazy with their fighting, tattling, arguing, calling names, not get the point. It has gotten so bad lately that when they walk in a room I cringe because I just know that someone did something to the other. I shouldn't cringe when my children walk into a room! What is wrong with me? I love these boys to death and I feel so bad because I don't know but I just feel like I don't have the patience to deal with all the crying and whining.

Dylan oh my lovely baby boy who is at my feet every time I try to walk up and do anything! He will crawl around and follow me and pull up on my pants leg and whine until I pick him up...yes it sounds cute but trust me after the 500 millionth time he does gets slightly annoying! I can't get anything done around this house. When I do try and clean Dylan throws a fit because I am not paying attention to him. I am not worried about my house being so clean you can eat off the floors but come on Dylan I can't have dirty diapers hanging over the trash can! You have to let mommy do some cleaning!! I know this is a phase he is going through and it will pass(please tell me this is true).

Now on to my husband....ahhhhh I count down until 3:30 when he gets home so he can play with me and the kiddos outside and keep them occupied while I make dinner but guess what this rarely happens! He acts like he is stupid and doesn't know what to do when the baby cries or he doesn't know how to play with all three of them at once. Yes it is hard but guess what buddy I do it everyday! Please Mark pull your head out of your ass and start helping me with the kids otherwise I am going to end up in a nut ward from going crazy!

I am starting to get a little worried with how over whelmed I have been patience is gone, I have been yelling, I have been so stressed that I swear I can feel my blood boil, as soon as the boys get up I think how long I have till bedtime. I hate feeling this way! I want to be able to enjoy my kids and I want my kids to quit whining and fighting. I don't know what to do anymore...they don't listen worth a crap! I know if I was to follow through ALL the time with their punishment and not just 75% of the time it would really help but to be honest I don't even have the strengthto discipline them after they do something for the 50th time. I feel myself almost going into a little depression. I started having depression after the birth of that was a rough time in my life. I had ppd so bad but it is weird because I was the opposite of what ppd says you should feel. I was scared to leave Nick, I was afraid something was going to happen to him, I was scared to put Nick get the point. I do not ever want to go back into a depression that bad ever again! I am thinking of getting back on my medicine....I truly honestly think I might need some kind of nerve pill also! If you made it this far thanks for listening...things will be better soon! I hope! lol

Friday, July 3, 2009

Friday Firsts

Christophers first time sledding...we had tried to get him to go sledding before but he refused but finally this past winter he went and he loved it!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Friday First

My friend Leah.. come up with a wonderful idea....every Friday she suggested that we all post about our kids, neice, nephew, friend, get the idea...first. I am excited to particapate in this! Thanks for coming up with this Leah....I know I am not explaning this correctly so go check out her great blog for more
Here is my first Friday that?! lol..Dylan trying baby food for the first time :)..yummy carrots!

Friday, June 26, 2009

You are going to miss this....

You are going to miss this
You're going want this back
You're going wish these days
Hadn't gone so fast

These are some good times
So take a look around
You may not know it know
But you're going to miss this

awwww I love this Trace Adkins song...have you heard it? I am pretty sure every one on the planet has! Every time I am having a bad day with the boys I think about this song and it really makes me realize that yes they may be driving me crazy right now but they are growing up on me and I need to take a step back and enjoy them. This song really brings me back down where I need to be.

Another tooth!

It looks like Dylan has another tooth...that makes 3 and they are all on the bottom...none on the top! How funny is that? My big boy is just getting way toooooo big and he needs to slow down!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Not so good dreams

I am sitting here at 3:30 in the morning, my heart beating fast and crying. I hate when I have disturbing dreams...I just woke up from a dream about my grandma....she came back to earth but didn't know how long God was going to let her stay....she looked very sick in my dream and I just crying to her asking her please don't go, please don't go.....I remember at one point in my dream I was hugging her and she was staring at me in a mirror it feels like she was really staring at the end of my dream she stops hugging me and walks away saying you know how your cousin Ethan is always saying what a bad life he my dream I say what do you grandma says I can take him with me...I go look in her room where she had layed down and that is when I wake up terrified, depressed and scared. I don't even have a cousin Ethan so I don't what the heck that even means. I have been having a lot of dreams of her a lot lately or of my mom and her dying at the same time. Do you think it is my grandma talking to me in my dreams? What do all these dreams mean? I am sick of having bad scary dreams...I am afraid to fall asleep at night because of these dreams. I miss my grandma so much and I can't believe that it has already been 3 months since she went to heaven quickly and unexpectedly. Well it wasn't so quick she was on a ventilator for 11 days(I can not remember if that is how long or not)....she had a brain stem stroke and after 11 days it was too much for her body. We never got to say good bye to her. She was basically brain dead....we did not want my grandma living like a vegetable. I stayed in the room watching my grandma take her last breath over and over has really messed with my mind and I can not get the image out of my head. I don't want to be scared anymore.....I don't want to have bad dreams anymore....I don't want to be worried that something is going to happen to me 24/7. I just wish she could be back on this earth and I could talk to her. Please say a prayer for me that I will not have these bad dreams anymore and maybe I can get a little closure from her death...thank you.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I am sick and tired....literally. I spent the day in the ER turns out I have bronchitis..yuck, blah, ugh, grrrrr. I am so upset...I do not have time to be sick right now. It is summer time and my kiddos are on the go. The doctor told me to stay out of the heat and that really sucks my kids live in the pool during the summer...I got put on Zpac and I hope this clears up really soon. They are also telling me that I can't lift my baby and well that just is not going to happen....he is a mammas boy and loves to be held by mommy. My mom is coming over to help tomorrow thank goodness!! I don't know what the heck I would do if I had to take care of all three kiddos by myself while being sick. I am in so much pain my chest is killing me and my head is throbbing :(. Wish me luck that this all passes quickly.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Fun weekend!

We had a wonderful weekend...we finally got the boys pool all set up and they had a blast swimming. Dylan tried out swimming for the first time today and he loved it! He was so cute and the boys had a blast playing with him. Friday I took Dylan and Chris for a 2 hour walk...we walked to the library and park. We had so much fun and the walk knocked Dylan out! I felt so bad for Chris...he got so tired walking home. I was going to bring my sling and throw Dylan in there in case he got so tired but I forget it....I am surprised I don't forget my kids sometimes! lol.....Friday night I took Nick and Chris to Toys R US and let them each pick out a new toy for their big achievements. Nick for graduating Kindergarten and Chris for finally being all the way potty trained!! only took 4 years!!! lol...I am so proud of my wonderful boys.

Dylan is 9 months old!

I am still in shock that my little baby is 9 months old. Time goes by crazy fast! I love this little guy more and more as each day passed. It is crazy how much love I have for my boys. Dylan is crawling all over the place and trying to stand. He is such a mommas boy...if I walk out of the room he freaks out! He is very clingy and doesn't like to play alone at all! He has to be the center of attention at all times. I am soaking it all in because I know a day will come when he will not want to be around me 24/7 and it happens so quickly! He loves playing with his brothers if he sees them playing in their room he will quickly crawl in there and join the fun. Nick and Chris are starting to get little annoyed with him though. He loves to knock over their blocks and destroy their legos. The boys will come ask me to please get him out of their He is eating pretty much everything we are...he doesn't like baby food at all anymore! Still no sleeping all night...yawn....and he still co sleeps with us. I love it and I am not ready to put him in his own bed yet. I know the longer we co sleep the harder it will be to sleep in his own bed but we will deal with that when the time comes. Here are a few pictures of my big 9 month old baby :).

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Dylan is crawling!!!!

Here are some pictures of my big boy crawling!! Today he tried pulling himself up on the couch...I am in trouble!! He needs to slow down!

Why do they grow so fast????

Is there some kind of pill we can give our kids to make them slow down??? I just can not believe that Nick is going to be....gulp....6 in July :(. He is getting so big and not wanting his mommy so much anymore. That is soooo not fair and I want my baby back..NOW!!!! Dylan is going to be 9 months is so weird to say that. I still look at Dylan and think I can't believe I have you what a wonderful unexpected blessing! Dylan was FAR from planned and he was the biggest shock of our life but I am so glad I have him. He completes our family :). I am happy to see my kids grow up and witness all of their milestones BUT I wish they would slow down just a little bit. Nick is graduating from Kindergarten next week and I am kinda depressed about is such a big step for my big boy. He is going to be in the first grade..I am hoping if I say it enough it will seem real! HA. I am going to bawl like a baby when he graduates but I am also going to be the most proud mommy on the earth.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Busy Busy Weekend

We have so much going on this weekend!! Saturday Nick and Chris are getting their own rooms!! They have a playroom and then they share a bedroom but they just wont go to bed anymore all they do is fight! So we are moving Nick into the playroom Saturday. I have to go pick up their new beds Friday and go buy some paint. They are so excited! We also have my brothers graduation party Saturday. I am so proud of him! Then Sunday we are setting up our pool and then we have my brothers graduation. Monday we are barbecuing and swimming. Busy weekend but we will have a lot of fun. Happy early Memorial day everyone!

Friday, May 15, 2009

So proud!!!!

I am so proud of Nicholas...I had a school conference with his speech, OT and classroom teacher on Wednesday and he is doing 100 times better than at the beginning of the year!!!!! GO NICK!!! He will still have OT therapy 30 minutes a week but that is okay! On to other news my poor baby is sick :(. He seems to have caught the bug Nick had. He is coughing, runny nose and slight fever. I am just praying that he keeps coughing up all the mucus! I can't believe how fast time goes by....Dylan is going to be 9 months! Can you believe that?!?! Can someone tell me where time goes so I can go get it back. Dylan is trying so hard to crawl he is almost there....if he is in the crawling position or on his belly or on his back(lol) he can get into a sitting position on his own. My big guy! Chris and Nick are driving me crazy lately with their attitudes. These kids think that they are going on 18 grrrrrrrrr. At these times when they are really driving me crazy I think of the song "You are going to miss this" such a great song. It makes me scoop them up and give them a huge bear hug, even if they don't like it! HAHA. Mark is back to work thank goodness BUT he is working from 5am-9pm.....UGH!! I am basically a single parent 5 days a week now and I don't like it. It is so hard to do dinner, Nicks homework, baths, Dylan and everything else by myself. I just need to figure out a good routine to make it all work! I need to call the neurologist because I have been having really bad headaches in the back of my head by my neck and my neck has been hurting really bad! I don't know what is going but every since my grandma died of her brain stem stroke I am scared s@$tless every time I get a headache!! Speaking of my grandma I went and visited her grave on mothers is so hard every time I go there. I know she is in a better place though with no pain or suffering. I Love You Momo!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Great weekend

Here are a few pictures from our bonfire!

I had such a wonderful weekend with the boys...we played outside all day Saturday and then had a bonfire Saturday night. We roasted marshmallows and made smores. Sunday we did the same thing played outside all day and went to the park. It was nice to just stay home with them all weekend and enjoy each other. Usually if it is nice out like it was this weekend I would be going crazy trying to plan stuff for us to do but I decided to just have a nice relaxing weekend at home! It is always so much fun to play outside with the boys and just have fun!! I can't believe how big my babies are getting. It is hard to imagine Nick and Chris being babies. I really miss those days. They let me love on them all the time! I am lucky to get 5 minutes of cuddle time now. I am so proud of Nick and the improvement he has made in the last year! His speech is a thousand times better, he is reading books all by himself and his handwriting is improving!! Chris is a handful lately he thinks that he is 17 or something. His attitude is driving me nuts!!!!!!! I learned the best thing is just to ignore it...easier said than done....but it does work. He realizes he is not getting a reaction out of me and will start behaving because he wants my attention or for me to play with him. YAY I figured out something to do with this Mark is finally going back to work Monday!!!!!! I can not tell you what a relief this is! We were getting really low on our savings! Plus we will get a break from each

Friday, May 1, 2009

My heart is heavy with love

My precious babies!!

Man I have been having a emotional night....I was reading some blogs about moms and dads that have lost their children and it makes me so happy to have healthy happy children. I cried for a good hour and made my kids let me love on them(they thought I was crazy lol)....It makes me sad for all those times I yelled at my kids or got aggravated with them. You never know when you will lose someone. I am still crying right now over a lot of guilt. I want to be the best mom to my children possible and I am going to be!! I don't care no more if my house is messy, if Chris wants to wear underwear over his pants, if the baby doesn't nap....I am not going to sweat the small stuff. I am going to enjoy my children and praise god for the little miracles he has given me. Nicholas was so cute tonight we were saying our prayers and Nick says God thank you for Chris and mommy they are my best freinds. AWWWW it melted my heart and of course made me cry. I don't know what is going on with me tonight. I have been thinking about death a lot lately, ever since I lost my grandma. It is so scary to think that one day we are here and the next we could be gone. I am so scared of dying and leaving my children behind. They would have no idea where I makes me so sad and scared. I have always been scared of death but not as much as I am now. Losing my grandma really was a eye opener for me...I never thought I would lose someone close to me. I am praying a lot and asking God to guide me through this difficult time I am going through.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Going crazy

So where do I start...Nick and Chris have been driving me crazy lately. They are always fighting and they don't listen at all. I am fighting a losing battle with them. I just wish I had a magic wand to make me a perfect parent and to be able to get my children to listen. I just don't know what to do. Me and Mark are at a loss for words. I feel like they have no respect for us at all. I know this is my fault we should of done something different. Actually we should of done a lot of things differently. Another thing that drives me crazy is every time we go to a store they always expect something again I know this is my fault. Me and Mark have a lot of changes to make and we are starting them NOW. They are still pretty young so I know with some work we can change it all around. I was not raised the best and I always want my kids to have everything and I didn't want to discipline them I wanted to be the fun mom. That has gotten me no where my kids are acting like spoiled brats now. I feel bad that I have lead them down this path but I am changing it. They will not like it at first but what kid likes to be told what to do. I will always give my kids unconditional love and guidance but they have to know that are rules and they can't have everything they want. Wish me luck!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

All About Me
First name?:Trista
Middle name?:Sue
Like your name?:Yes
Named after anyone?:A soap opera actress lol
Any nicknames?:Tris(some people are lazy lol)
Birthdate?:August 21, 1984
Birthplace?:Scott Air Force Base
Time you were born?:2:02 A.M.
Current location?:Dupo, Illinois
Like your height?:I guess so
Eye color?:Blue
Hair color?:Brown
Natural hair color?:Yes
Dye your hair often?:Used to all the time
Righty or lefty?:Righty
Your favorite...
Type of music?:I like all kinds of music my favorite would be country
Band or singer?:Shania Twain
TV show?:I love all reality tv
Movie?:Set It Off and City Of Angels
TV channel?:VH1
Radio station?:92.3 or 93.7 or 107.7
Place to be?:Anywhere with my kids and hubby
Thing to do?:Spend time with my kiddos
Food?:Anything that is not healthy
Non alcoholic drink?:Pepsi
Alcoholic drink?:Strawberry Daquiri
Sport?:Baseball or Football
Place to shop?:Don't have a favorite
Clothing brand?:Whatever is comfy
Scent?:Love Spell
Restaurant?:Spaghetti Factory
Fruit?:Apple, Banana or Strawberries
Vegetable?:Celery with ranch
Fast food restaurant?:Taco Bell
Pizza topping?:Pepperoni
Ice cream flavor?:Cookie Dough
Magazine?:Any gossip magazine
City?:St. Louis
Number?:Don't have one
This or that...
Chocolate or vanilla?:Mixed
Pepsi or coke?:pepsi
Hot or cold?:cold
Black or white?:black
Dog or cat?:Cat
French toast or pancakes?:both
French fries or onion rings?:onion rings
Hamburger or hot dog?:hot dog
Pepperoni or sausage?:pepperoni
Britney or Christina?:Britney
McDonalds or Burger King?:Burger King
50 Cent or Eminem?:Eminem
Canada or Mexico?:Mexico
Hug or kiss?:Hug
Movies or TV?:TV
Truth or dare?:Dare
Do you...
Shower daily?:Yes
Sing in the shower?:Sometimes lol
Like to sing?:Yes but I sound horrible
Like to dance?:NO
Drink?:every once in a while
Talk to yourself?:who me never lol
Believe in yourself?:I need to do that more
Play an instrument?:no
Go to school?:no
Go to college?:no
Have a job?:a job that never ends I am a stay at home mom
Like your job?:most of the time
Want to get married?:already am for 7 years
Want to have kids?:already do I have 3 boys
Get along with your parents?:my mom yes
Get along with your siblings?:for the most part
Drive?:all the time
Do you think you're trustworthy?:I like to think so
Think your funny?:my kids think so lol
Ever toilet papered someones house?:yep
Gone garbage can tipping?:nope
What are your parents names?:Wanda and Ronnie
Siblings names?:Ashley and Keith
Do you wash your hands frequently?:all the time
How many time a day do you brush your teeth?:once
Collect anything?:kids lol
Ever been in love?:yes and still am
In love right now?:yes
What color pants are you wearing right now?:red
How does your hair look?:crappy
Ever had your heartbroken?:almost
Ever broken the law?:I have speed and not worn my seatbelt so yea I guess so
Been arrested?:no
Been out of the country?:no
Can you stick your fist in your mouth?:what no lol
When was the last time you got drunk?:2 years ago
Do you do drugs?:no
When was the last time you were high on anything?:I was high on life today
Do you prefer the lights on or off?:on
Would you ever get plastic surgery?:yes
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?:briefs
Do you like to laugh?:yes
Ever had a bloody nose?:yes
Have you ever caught a fish?:yes first time last year
What was the last thing you ate?:rice a roni
What time do you go to bed?:usually around 1 am
What's your favorite color?:red
Do you like to give or recieve?:both
Are you obsessed with anything/anyone?:my kids
Do you live alone?:no
Do you own a blender?:yes
Do you like the snow?:yes
Ever been up a mountain?:yes
Ever been rootin'?:huh don't think so lol
Do you like surprises?:sometimes

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Just another day

It is just another rainy, boring Saturday around here. I put away 10 loads of laundry and just hung out with the boys. The boys are going crazy today because they can't get outside to play. We are having a movie night tonight. The boys are watching Bolt and eating popcorn. I snuck on here because the movie is boring lol. They don't even notice I am on here right now lol. I had Dylan weighed and measured the other day. He is 22lbs and 27 1/4in long. I am confused by his length because when he was 4 months old he was 27in long?? I am going to talk to the doctor about it Tuesday. He was 95% for weight and 50% for height. He is short and fat lol. I have been feeling under the weather today I spent 75% of today in bed. Well I gotta go Dylan is in there throwing a fit and he doesn't want anything to do with dh lol. I will try and write more later. TTYL.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

2 weeks already

I can't believe my grandmother has been gone for 2 weeks already. It just doesn't seem real to me that she is really gone. I am still having a hard time sleeping because I everytime I close my eyes I see her in the bed dying and making those horrible noises. I am scared to go to sleep because I don't want to have nightmares. I just want to see her and talk to her again. She was the best person and it is so hard for me to imagine that her body is in the ground. I know her soul is in heaven but still it's hard to think that she is alone in the ground kwim? She loved life so much she was the most outgoing person you would ever meet. If you needed her she was right there for you. She was so much more than my grandma she was like my second mom. She helped me out so much more than anyone will ever know. I know she is in heaven not suffering anymore and I know she loves it up there. She is with her mom and dad again. Momo I love you very much and no one will ever be able to take your place!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

To start it off..

YAY I finally joined the blogging world! I didn't think I would ever have time to make a blog but as I sit here with my back killing me and Dylan napping I figure oh heck the house can wait. I am going to try and blog every if that happens or not we will see lol. I guess I will start out by blogging of my day so far. Today has been a pretty uneventful day. I am having back troubles I don't know what is going on with my back but it it herts so bad. I was supposed to go to the doctor yesterday but he had a family emergency and now today he called in a sick day..ugh. Hopefully I will get in there tomorrow. It is 1:48 here right now and Dylan is napping and Chris is playing with his trains like usual. I have so much house cleaning to get done but my back just wont allow me to do it. Chris and Dylan have been so cute lately. Chris likes to play peek a boo with Dylan and Dylan will just laugh and laugh. It is so funny to see how Chris is when Nick isn't home. Chris is so nice, loving and kind but when Nick gets home he turns into a demon. It drives me crazy they fight like there is no tomorrow!!!! I hate to say it but it is so peaceful when Nick is at school. I sound like a bad mom don't I????? I miss Nick so much when he is at school though. I wish I had the patience to homeschool my children but I know that would never work. I need my sanity lol. Dylan has been a very fussy baby for the past 4 days and I hope it stops soon!! He is getting his two front teeth in...I think. He is getting so big and I just can't believe it. What happened to my baby that liked me to rock him to sleep? He hates it now WAAAAAH. The little stinker gave me a scare of a lifetime this morning. He was sitting on the living room floor playing with his toys and Christopher well I turn my back for one second to get Chris some juice and I look back and Dylan has a freaking cheeto puff in his mouth!! I was so scared he was going to choke he had it almost all the way ate by the time I got to him though. I swear my heart stopped!! Well I guess I will end my blog for today because Nick is getting ready to come home and I have to get my helmet on and get prepared for the war between Nick and Chris that goes on everyday! HELP anyone????