I am still in shock that my little baby is 9 months old. Time goes by crazy fast! I love this little guy more and more as each day passed. It is crazy how much love I have for my boys. Dylan is crawling all over the place and trying to stand. He is such a mommas boy...if I walk out of the room he freaks out! He is very clingy and doesn't like to play alone at all! He has to be the center of attention at all times. I am soaking it all in because I know a day will come when he will not want to be around me 24/7 and it happens so quickly! He loves playing with his brothers if he sees them playing in their room he will quickly crawl in there and join the fun. Nick and Chris are starting to get little annoyed with him though. He loves to knock over their blocks and destroy their legos. The boys will come ask me to please get him out of their room..lol. He is eating pretty much everything we are...he doesn't like baby food at all anymore! Still no sleeping all night...yawn....and he still co sleeps with us. I love it and I am not ready to put him in his own bed yet. I know the longer we co sleep the harder it will be to sleep in his own bed but we will deal with that when the time comes. Here are a few pictures of my big 9 month old baby :).
Great pics Trista:) They do grow so fast, enjoy it while you can. He looks like he is having so much fun:)