I am so proud of Nicholas...I had a school conference with his speech, OT and classroom teacher on Wednesday and he is doing 100 times better than at the beginning of the year!!!!! GO NICK!!! He will still have OT therapy 30 minutes a week but that is okay! On to other news my poor baby is sick :(. He seems to have caught the bug Nick had. He is coughing, runny nose and slight fever. I am just praying that he keeps coughing up all the mucus! I can't believe how fast time goes by....Dylan is going to be 9 months! Can you believe that?!?! Can someone tell me where time goes so I can go get it back. Dylan is trying so hard to crawl he is almost there....if he is in the crawling position or on his belly or on his back(lol) he can get into a sitting position on his own. My big guy! Chris and Nick are driving me crazy lately with their attitudes. These kids think that they are going on 18 grrrrrrrrr. At these times when they are really driving me crazy I think of the song "You are going to miss this" such a great song. It makes me scoop them up and give them a huge bear hug, even if they don't like it! HAHA. Mark is back to work thank goodness BUT he is working from 5am-9pm.....UGH!! I am basically a single parent 5 days a week now and I don't like it. It is so hard to do dinner, Nicks homework, baths, Dylan and everything else by myself. I just need to figure out a good routine to make it all work! I need to call the neurologist because I have been having really bad headaches in the back of my head by my neck and my neck has been hurting really bad! I don't know what is going but every since my grandma died of her brain stem stroke I am scared s@$tless every time I get a headache!! Speaking of my grandma I went and visited her grave on mothers day....it is so hard every time I go there. I know she is in a better place though with no pain or suffering. I Love You Momo!!
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