Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I am sick and tired....literally. I spent the day in the ER turns out I have bronchitis..yuck, blah, ugh, grrrrr. I am so upset...I do not have time to be sick right now. It is summer time and my kiddos are on the go. The doctor told me to stay out of the heat and that really sucks my kids live in the pool during the summer...I got put on Zpac and I hope this clears up really soon. They are also telling me that I can't lift my baby and well that just is not going to happen....he is a mammas boy and loves to be held by mommy. My mom is coming over to help tomorrow thank goodness!! I don't know what the heck I would do if I had to take care of all three kiddos by myself while being sick. I am in so much pain my chest is killing me and my head is throbbing :(. Wish me luck that this all passes quickly.


  1. Trista:

    Hope you get to feeling better...

    Tina here from Blogs gone bad...I am a follower of your blog now. come by and visit my blog. What cute kids.

  2. Trista, I really hope you are feeling better. I know how much you love running around playing with your boys, Hope to hear a great update soon, Blessings
