Sunday, May 31, 2009
Fun weekend!
We had a wonderful weekend...we finally got the boys pool all set up and they had a blast swimming. Dylan tried out swimming for the first time today and he loved it! He was so cute and the boys had a blast playing with him. Friday I took Dylan and Chris for a 2 hour walk...we walked to the library and park. We had so much fun and the walk knocked Dylan out! I felt so bad for Chris...he got so tired walking home. I was going to bring my sling and throw Dylan in there in case he got so tired but I forget it....I am surprised I don't forget my kids sometimes! lol.....Friday night I took Nick and Chris to Toys R US and let them each pick out a new toy for their big achievements. Nick for graduating Kindergarten and Chris for finally being all the way potty trained!! only took 4 years!!! lol...I am so proud of my wonderful boys.
Dylan is 9 months old!

I am still in shock that my little baby is 9 months old. Time goes by crazy fast! I love this little guy more and more as each day passed. It is crazy how much love I have for my boys. Dylan is crawling all over the place and trying to stand. He is such a mommas boy...if I walk out of the room he freaks out! He is very clingy and doesn't like to play alone at all! He has to be the center of attention at all times. I am soaking it all in because I know a day will come when he will not want to be around me 24/7 and it happens so quickly! He loves playing with his brothers if he sees them playing in their room he will quickly crawl in there and join the fun. Nick and Chris are starting to get little annoyed with him though. He loves to knock over their blocks and destroy their legos. The boys will come ask me to please get him out of their He is eating pretty much everything we are...he doesn't like baby food at all anymore! Still no sleeping all night...yawn....and he still co sleeps with us. I love it and I am not ready to put him in his own bed yet. I know the longer we co sleep the harder it will be to sleep in his own bed but we will deal with that when the time comes. Here are a few pictures of my big 9 month old baby :).
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Why do they grow so fast????
Is there some kind of pill we can give our kids to make them slow down??? I just can not believe that Nick is going to be....gulp....6 in July :(. He is getting so big and not wanting his mommy so much anymore. That is soooo not fair and I want my baby back..NOW!!!! Dylan is going to be 9 months is so weird to say that. I still look at Dylan and think I can't believe I have you what a wonderful unexpected blessing! Dylan was FAR from planned and he was the biggest shock of our life but I am so glad I have him. He completes our family :). I am happy to see my kids grow up and witness all of their milestones BUT I wish they would slow down just a little bit. Nick is graduating from Kindergarten next week and I am kinda depressed about is such a big step for my big boy. He is going to be in the first grade..I am hoping if I say it enough it will seem real! HA. I am going to bawl like a baby when he graduates but I am also going to be the most proud mommy on the earth.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Busy Busy Weekend
We have so much going on this weekend!! Saturday Nick and Chris are getting their own rooms!! They have a playroom and then they share a bedroom but they just wont go to bed anymore all they do is fight! So we are moving Nick into the playroom Saturday. I have to go pick up their new beds Friday and go buy some paint. They are so excited! We also have my brothers graduation party Saturday. I am so proud of him! Then Sunday we are setting up our pool and then we have my brothers graduation. Monday we are barbecuing and swimming. Busy weekend but we will have a lot of fun. Happy early Memorial day everyone!
Friday, May 15, 2009
So proud!!!!

I am so proud of Nicholas...I had a school conference with his speech, OT and classroom teacher on Wednesday and he is doing 100 times better than at the beginning of the year!!!!! GO NICK!!! He will still have OT therapy 30 minutes a week but that is okay! On to other news my poor baby is sick :(. He seems to have caught the bug Nick had. He is coughing, runny nose and slight fever. I am just praying that he keeps coughing up all the mucus! I can't believe how fast time goes by....Dylan is going to be 9 months! Can you believe that?!?! Can someone tell me where time goes so I can go get it back. Dylan is trying so hard to crawl he is almost there....if he is in the crawling position or on his belly or on his back(lol) he can get into a sitting position on his own. My big guy! Chris and Nick are driving me crazy lately with their attitudes. These kids think that they are going on 18 grrrrrrrrr. At these times when they are really driving me crazy I think of the song "You are going to miss this" such a great song. It makes me scoop them up and give them a huge bear hug, even if they don't like it! HAHA. Mark is back to work thank goodness BUT he is working from 5am-9pm.....UGH!! I am basically a single parent 5 days a week now and I don't like it. It is so hard to do dinner, Nicks homework, baths, Dylan and everything else by myself. I just need to figure out a good routine to make it all work! I need to call the neurologist because I have been having really bad headaches in the back of my head by my neck and my neck has been hurting really bad! I don't know what is going but every since my grandma died of her brain stem stroke I am scared s@$tless every time I get a headache!! Speaking of my grandma I went and visited her grave on mothers is so hard every time I go there. I know she is in a better place though with no pain or suffering. I Love You Momo!!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Great weekend

Here are a few pictures from our bonfire!
I had such a wonderful weekend with the boys...we played outside all day Saturday and then had a bonfire Saturday night. We roasted marshmallows and made smores. Sunday we did the same thing played outside all day and went to the park. It was nice to just stay home with them all weekend and enjoy each other. Usually if it is nice out like it was this weekend I would be going crazy trying to plan stuff for us to do but I decided to just have a nice relaxing weekend at home! It is always so much fun to play outside with the boys and just have fun!! I can't believe how big my babies are getting. It is hard to imagine Nick and Chris being babies. I really miss those days. They let me love on them all the time! I am lucky to get 5 minutes of cuddle time now. I am so proud of Nick and the improvement he has made in the last year! His speech is a thousand times better, he is reading books all by himself and his handwriting is improving!! Chris is a handful lately he thinks that he is 17 or something. His attitude is driving me nuts!!!!!!! I learned the best thing is just to ignore it...easier said than done....but it does work. He realizes he is not getting a reaction out of me and will start behaving because he wants my attention or for me to play with him. YAY I figured out something to do with this Mark is finally going back to work Monday!!!!!! I can not tell you what a relief this is! We were getting really low on our savings! Plus we will get a break from each
Friday, May 1, 2009
My heart is heavy with love

Man I have been having a emotional night....I was reading some blogs about moms and dads that have lost their children and it makes me so happy to have healthy happy children. I cried for a good hour and made my kids let me love on them(they thought I was crazy lol)....It makes me sad for all those times I yelled at my kids or got aggravated with them. You never know when you will lose someone. I am still crying right now over a lot of guilt. I want to be the best mom to my children possible and I am going to be!! I don't care no more if my house is messy, if Chris wants to wear underwear over his pants, if the baby doesn't nap....I am not going to sweat the small stuff. I am going to enjoy my children and praise god for the little miracles he has given me. Nicholas was so cute tonight we were saying our prayers and Nick says God thank you for Chris and mommy they are my best freinds. AWWWW it melted my heart and of course made me cry. I don't know what is going on with me tonight. I have been thinking about death a lot lately, ever since I lost my grandma. It is so scary to think that one day we are here and the next we could be gone. I am so scared of dying and leaving my children behind. They would have no idea where I makes me so sad and scared. I have always been scared of death but not as much as I am now. Losing my grandma really was a eye opener for me...I never thought I would lose someone close to me. I am praying a lot and asking God to guide me through this difficult time I am going through.
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