All About Me
First name?:Trista
Middle name?:Sue
Like your name?:Yes
Named after anyone?:A soap opera actress lol
Any nicknames?:Tris(some people are lazy lol)
Birthdate?:August 21, 1984
Birthplace?:Scott Air Force Base
Time you were born?:2:02 A.M.
Current location?:Dupo, Illinois
Like your height?:I guess so
Eye color?:Blue
Hair color?:Brown
Natural hair color?:Yes
Dye your hair often?:Used to all the time
Righty or lefty?:Righty
Your favorite...
Type of music?:I like all kinds of music my favorite would be country
Band or singer?:Shania Twain
TV show?:I love all reality tv
Movie?:Set It Off and City Of Angels
TV channel?:VH1
Radio station?:92.3 or 93.7 or 107.7
Place to be?:Anywhere with my kids and hubby
Thing to do?:Spend time with my kiddos
Food?:Anything that is not healthy
Non alcoholic drink?:Pepsi
Alcoholic drink?:Strawberry Daquiri
Sport?:Baseball or Football
Place to shop?:Don't have a favorite
Clothing brand?:Whatever is comfy
Scent?:Love Spell
Restaurant?:Spaghetti Factory
Fruit?:Apple, Banana or Strawberries
Vegetable?:Celery with ranch
Fast food restaurant?:Taco Bell
Pizza topping?:Pepperoni
Ice cream flavor?:Cookie Dough
Magazine?:Any gossip magazine
City?:St. Louis
Number?:Don't have one
This or that...
Chocolate or vanilla?:Mixed
Pepsi or coke?:pepsi
Hot or cold?:cold
Black or white?:black
Dog or cat?:Cat
French toast or pancakes?:both
French fries or onion rings?:onion rings
Hamburger or hot dog?:hot dog
Pepperoni or sausage?:pepperoni
Britney or Christina?:Britney
McDonalds or Burger King?:Burger King
50 Cent or Eminem?:Eminem
Canada or Mexico?:Mexico
Hug or kiss?:Hug
Movies or TV?:TV
Truth or dare?:Dare
Do you...
Shower daily?:Yes
Sing in the shower?:Sometimes lol
Like to sing?:Yes but I sound horrible
Like to dance?:NO
Drink?:every once in a while
Talk to yourself?:who me never lol
Believe in yourself?:I need to do that more
Play an instrument?:no
Go to school?:no
Go to college?:no
Have a job?:a job that never ends I am a stay at home mom
Like your job?:most of the time
Want to get married?:already am for 7 years
Want to have kids?:already do I have 3 boys
Get along with your parents?:my mom yes
Get along with your siblings?:for the most part
Drive?:all the time
Do you think you're trustworthy?:I like to think so
Think your funny?:my kids think so lol
Ever toilet papered someones house?:yep
Gone garbage can tipping?:nope
What are your parents names?:Wanda and Ronnie
Siblings names?:Ashley and Keith
Do you wash your hands frequently?:all the time
How many time a day do you brush your teeth?:once
Collect anything?:kids lol
Ever been in love?:yes and still am
In love right now?:yes
What color pants are you wearing right now?:red
How does your hair look?:crappy
Ever had your heartbroken?:almost
Ever broken the law?:I have speed and not worn my seatbelt so yea I guess so
Been arrested?:no
Been out of the country?:no
Can you stick your fist in your mouth?:what no lol
When was the last time you got drunk?:2 years ago
Do you do drugs?:no
When was the last time you were high on anything?:I was high on life today
Do you prefer the lights on or off?:on
Would you ever get plastic surgery?:yes
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?:briefs
Do you like to laugh?:yes
Ever had a bloody nose?:yes
Have you ever caught a fish?:yes first time last year
What was the last thing you ate?:rice a roni
What time do you go to bed?:usually around 1 am
What's your favorite color?:red
Do you like to give or recieve?:both
Are you obsessed with anything/anyone?:my kids
Do you live alone?:no
Do you own a blender?:yes
Do you like the snow?:yes
Ever been up a mountain?:yes
Ever been rootin'?:huh don't think so lol
Do you like surprises?:sometimes